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FRS announces Tim Tebow-themed giveaway


FOSTER CITY, Calif. — FRS announced that it will give away its FRS Healthy Energy drink in honor of its brand spokesman, National Football League quarterback Tim Tebow.

The first 100,000 consumers that sign up on the giveaway website,, will receive a certificate redeemable for a free bottle or can of FRS Healthy Energy at participating retailers nationwide if Tebow's team, the Denver Broncos, beat the New England Patriots this weekend, the company said. What's more, FRS also will offer a free ten-day FRS sample pack through regardless of the outcome of Saturday's game.

"FRS has been a believer in Tim since before his rookie year," FRS chief marketing officer Matt Kohler said. "His thrilling overtime victories, combined with a tireless work ethic, and charitable work are an inspiration. We are excited to share Tim's healthy drink of choice with consumers everywhere."

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