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Hostess hosts contest for Donettes brand in line with debut of holiday seasonal packaging


IRVING, Texas — Hostess is launching a contest that invites fans of its Donettes brand to receive a chance to win a grand prize of $2,500, as well as free Donettes for a year.

The Donettes "Name the Penguins" contest asks fans to suggest names for the four new penguins on the seasonal Donettes packaging. A different pengiun represents one of each Donettes variety — powdered, frosted, frosted devil's food and limited-edition holiday gingerbread spice. From Nov. 22 to Dec. 11, Hostess will gather submissions from fans and soon after will announce five finalists. From Dec. 17 to Dec. 31, consumers will have the opportunity to vote on Facebook for their favorite names from that group of finalists.

In related news, Hostess said its multipack chocolate cupcakes and Twinkies products also will tout holiday packaging.

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