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Kellogg sees progress in its global health, nutrition initiatives


BATTLE CREEK, Mich. Kellogg Co. today announced that it has seen successes in the goals of its health and nutrition initiatives worldwide. Kellogg’s health initiatives aim to help people—especially parents and children—manage their calorie consumption.

One year ago, Kellogg committed to two initiatives to build on its commitment to health; an adjustment in its marketing towards children and changes to its front-of-pack nutrition labeling.

David Mackay, president and chief executive officer of Kellogg Company, said, “More than a century ago, our founder W.K. Kellogg said, ‘We are a company of dedicated people making quality products for a healthier world,’ and we’ve been devoted to that principle ever since. [At Kellogg] we are sharing the latest progress in our ongoing journey, and we’re exploring how we can continue to make a positive impact on consumer health, working together with our industry peers, government, academics, communities and stakeholders around the world.”

Kellogg has developed the Kellogg Global Nutrient Criteria—a standard based on a massive review of scientific reports—to determine how to adapt its marketing messages to children. Last year when Kellogg Company announced its commitment to the new, health-focused program, about half of its products marketed to children worldwide met the Nutrient Criteria.

Since mid-2007, the company has worked to adapt existing products and create new ones that will follow or surpass the Nutrient Criteria, the company said. Kellogg anticipated that by the end of this year about 70 percent of its products marketed to children should meet the criteria. Any products that do not will be dropped from its manufacturing list by Jan. 1, 2009, the company claimed.

In the mean time, Kellogg said that it has revamped classic cereals such as Apple Jacks, Cocoa Krispies, Froot Loops and even Rice Krispies to meet standards of its nutrient criteria.

Kellogg’s products are made in 18 countries and sold in more than 180 countries. Kellogg’s 2007 sales totaled almost $12 billion around the world, the company said.

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