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Kids consume more yogurt as a snack, NPD finds


CHICAGO Although kids continue to eat fresh fruit for snack, The NPD Group is reporting that another snacking option is on the rise.

According to the market research company's SnackTrack, kids ages 2 to 17 years consumed more refrigertated yogurt in 2009 than in 2008. Additionally, NPD’s food and beverage market research also found that potato chips, fresh fruit, string cheese and prepackaged cheese cubes or shapes and hard candy also experienced growth in 2009 versus 2008 as snack foods eaten between, with, or instead of meals.

SnackTrack is a source for snack food consumption information in Canada and the United States, focusing on individuals and their snack food usage. SnackTrack monitors all eating situations, both in-home and away, for specific, pre-determined food categories.

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