Kroger opens refreshment center dept. in stores
CINCINNATI Kroger has opened a new refreshment center department in select stores, In-Store Marketing Institute reported.
In partnership with Dr Pepper Snapple Group and marketing agency LG&P, Kroger redesigned its beverage category into a “streamlined, four-aisle destination”.
According to In-Store Marketing Institute, the program “reserves gondolas for specific categories, which are designated by color: red for carbonated beverages, green for juice and blue for water and sports drinks. Color-coded aisle violators and floor strips help identify the categories, while in-line headers carry lifestyle images and evocative phrases. Green headers, for instance, describe juice as, ‘healthy, fruity, flavourful,’ while blue signage represents sports drinks with the phrase, ‘restore, refuel, replenish.’” Outer gondolas meanwhile stock carbonated beverages and water while the interior aisles feature shorter endcaps, two of which run into coolers devoted to energy drinks and such ‘New Age’ beverages as vitamin-infused water and tea. Endcaps include permanent displays from Coca-Cola and PepsiCo's Gatorade.
Meanwhile, select Kroger stores have also installed a similar programme in the snacks aisle where colour-coded graphics identify six distinctive categories: ‘Fun Favourites’ (yellow), ‘Sensible Snacks’ (green), ‘Kroger Snacks’ (blue), ‘Family Size’ (red), ‘Multi-Pack’ (orange) and ‘Hometown Favourites” (yellow-orange).