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Neilsen estimates more than $2 billion spent on Halloween candy in the U.S.


SCHAUMBURG, Ill. The Nielsen Co. has unmasked the truth about Halloween candy.

The global information and media company anticipates that U.S. consumers will spend over $2 billion on candy this Halloween, and that sizes do not matter, but rather, the quantity.

“There’s no doubt about it; when doorbells ring October 31, consumers respond with candy, and lots of it,” said Todd Hale, senior vice president of Consumer and Shopping Insights, Nielsen Consumer Panel Services. “The quantities are big, but the sizes are small. Our review of the Halloween seasons shows that the overwhelming majority of consumers choose to give miniature candy to trick-or-treaters.”

Nielsen also concluded that, out of 52 markets in the United States, the Salt Lake City/ Boise metropolitan area bought 80 percent more candy than expected.

Nielsen did say, however, despite the profits stores make on selling candy (October and April are the biggest candy-selling months), most consumers are more likely to purchase candy only a few days prior to the holiday (Oct. 29 is considered the top-selling day).

Additionally, 97 percent of households purchase candy at least once a year, while 85 percent of candy is purchased in grocery stores.

“For retailers and manufacturers, Halloween is a concentrated selling period for seasonal items,” Hale said. “Consumers [are] putting a strong showing at the cash register.”

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