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New study notes spending habits of weight-conscious consumers


ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. A new study found that devotees of brand-name diets spend more than $3,400 on groceries per year, while consumers who eat low-fat foods, regardless of brand, spend around $800 per year.

Other key findings included in the weight-management study — published by Catalina Marketing — were that weight-management products totaled 38% of annual grocery spending. Additionally, many shoppers surveyed are more interested in nutritional content of food, rather than the brand, but will be more responsive to brands with precise marketing messages..

These and other facts were published in "Balancing the Scale: Reaching Today’s Grocery Shopper With Your Weight-Management Product," a new report gathered from shoppergraphics data warehouse and consumer surveys conducted by Catalina Marketing. The study expanded upon earlier research done in the first half of 2009, and offered predictive insights into the shopping patterns of various types of consumers trying to lose weight and eat healthy.

“The goal for CPG brands becomes less about selling to as many shoppers as possible and more about encouraging high-purchase volume from a relatively small core audience,” said Sharon Glass, Catalina Marketing’s group VP health, beauty and wellness. “By communicating with each consumer based on individual preferences, loyalty is sustained and real profitability is recognized.”

For more information and to download a copy of the study, visit 

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