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P&G's Lori Proctor receives award from NEW


CHICAGO A retail supply leader for Procter & Gamble received the Network of Executive Women's Bobbie O'Hare Award, given annually to the regional committee member who has helped the organization advance its goals and extend its reach.

Lori Proctor, who works as P&G's retail supply leader in San Ramon, Calif., is co-chair of NEW's northern California region. Each year, members of NEW's 15 regions nominate one person as their "best of the best" committee member. These members are honored during each region's fall event and are eligible for the Bobbie O'Hare Award. NEW officers select one member to receive the Bobbie O'Hare award. Proctor was cited as "a compassionate contributor who truly believes that future leaders need mentors to grow professionally and personally and, in turn, become mentors for generations to come."

The award is named for former NEW regional chair Bobbie O'Hare, VP sales development for the Johnson O'Hare Cos. O'Hare, who helped lead the creation of NEW's 15 regional groups, joined current NEW regional chair Maria Edelson in presenting the award to Lori Proctor in front of 800 members attending NEW's national summit.

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