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Progresso Heart Healthy Soup, Mayo Clinic team up for the Heart Project


MINNEAPOLIS — Progresso Heart Healthy Soup, in support of Mayo Clinic, is launching "The Heart Project" to educate people about heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States.

The Heart Project website,, will encourage visitors to take a Heart Health Quiz, which offers tools and information on heart disease, as well as tips to lower one's risk of heart disease. Those who take the quiz are encouraged to share the information with others to start a conversation about heart health.

"What's most astonishing is that almost 80% of heart disease is preventable, and even small lifestyle changes can have a big impact. Making a difference in your heart health is easier and more enjoyable than you may think,"said Dr. Sharon Mulvagh, director of the Women's Heart Clinic at Mayo Clinic.

Progresso Heart Healthy Soups also will make a donation to the Mayo Clinic for activities that include heart health programs for women.

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