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Q&A: Man up


Dr Pepper Snapple Group recently manned up behind a campaign supporting their action-adventure diet soda for men: Dr Pepper Ten. Drug Store News tapped Eddie Hicks, VP national accounts, to get the low-down.

DSN: Why men? What is the opportunity? 

Eddie Hicks: Our consumer research showed that men between the ages of 25 and 34 [years] were not completely satisfied by the taste or imagery of diet sodas. The launch of Dr Pepper TEN represents an opportunity to maintain and grow [carbonated soft drink] occasions with an innovative, new beverage that our male consumers told us they want. The Dr Pepper Ten advertising campaign is a tongue-in-cheek approach aimed at men who want to watch their waistlines but are too “manly” to drink a diet soda.

DSN: What has been the initial feedback? 

Hicks:  The national launch of Dr Pepper Ten is supported by an integrated marketing campaign, extending the “It’s Not for Women” theme through national television, print and online media. The online portion of the Dr Pepper Ten campaign includes a Dr Pepper Ten Man’ments application where fans can tag their friends who do “un-manly” things on Facebook and a Dr Pepper Ten application where men can be men, and enjoying thinks like a “Man Quiz” and videos that only guys would truly enjoy.

DSN: Dr Pepper Ten folds into the company’s overall health and wellness goals. Can you give a little color around what those health and wellness goals are and how retail pharmacy partners can get involved?

Dr Pepper Snapple Group will continue to provide a full range of products, with at least 50% of innovation projects in the pipeline focused on reducing calories, offering smaller sizes and improving nutrition. DPS will also continue to support local and national programs that encourage active lifestyles and fitness.

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