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Special K Popcorn Chips, celebrity nutrition expert offer snack tips to stay #RedCarpetReady


BATTLE CREEK, Mich. — Kellogg's Special K brand has partnered with celebrity nutrition expert Lisa DeFazio to offer consumers tips for guilt-free snacking with snacks like Special K Popcorn Chips. At only 120 calories for 28 chips, Special K Popcorn Chips are a low-calorie option for both celebrities and the everyday consumer, who can enjoy them without the guilt while watching the year's biggest celebrity awards show.

"Celebrities are human — they have cravings just like the rest of us," DeFazio said. "Rather than deprive yourself, the key is to choose guilt-free snacks throughout the day — like Special K Popcorn Chips, which satisfy sweet and savory cravings and provide a tasty baked crunch.

Special K invites consumers to chat with DeFazio about how they can prepare for #RedCarpetReady moments. She'll be sharing these tips through a Twitter chat hosted through the @SpecialKUS handle on Feb. 21 from 7 p.m. until 8 p.m. EST.

Just some of her insider tips include:

  • Create an award-winning combo. Include carbohydrates, protein and healthy fat for a satisfying, full feeling. Pair your guacamole or hummus with veggies like carrots or red peppers and baked chips like Special K Popcorn Chips;

  • Stay well-hydrated. Your liquid calories are just as important as your food calories — at zero calories, water is a great solution. Fill a pitcher with ice water and lemon slices for a fresh, hydrating option; and

  • Get your timing right. The parties may extend all night long, but your snacking has a time limit. Avoid evening snacks close to bedtime; allow two hours between snacking and sleep to give your digestive system a break overnight.

Special K Popcorn Chips are available in the cracker aisles of grocery, mass and convenience stores nationwide. For more info on how to stay #RedCarpetReady, visit or

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