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TV star teams up with California Raisins to raise childhood hunger awareness


FRESNO, Calif. Alison Sweeney, "Days of our Lives" actress and host of the hit television show, "The Biggest Loser," is raising awareness about Feeding America's childhood hunger initiatives, including the Backpack Program with a popular after-school snack.

California Raisins announced its partnership with Sweeney on Tuesday. The partnership will benefit Feeding America, the nation's leading domestic hunger-relief charity, and its Backpack Program, designed to meet the special needs of children at risk of hunger on weekends and during school breaks. Backpacks are filled with kid-friendly, nonperishable and vitamin fortified food and distributed to children on the last day before the weekend or before holiday vacation. In addition to providing nutritious food to school children in need, some Backpack Programs provide extra food for younger siblings at home.

"As a mom, I recognize the importance proper nutrition plays in the school performance and overall development of young children," Sweeney said. "That's why I'm proud to partner with California Raisins in its efforts to raise awareness of Feeding America's childhood hunger initiatives like the Backpack Program."

As part of their effort to raise awareness of Feeding America's childhood hunger initiatives and to contribute to the fight against domestic hunger, California raisin growers are donating a semi-truck load of raisin snack packs and $50,000 to support Feeding America.

More about California Raisins involvement in the Feeding America program can be found at

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