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Yiayia approved: Kraft puts Athenos at center stage


GLENVIEW, Ill. — Kraft Foods has put the spotlight on Athenos with the brand's first-ever advertising campaign.

Athenos' portfolio, which includes Greek yogurt, hummus and pita chips, is being brought to life with a campaign highlighting yiayias, or Greek grandmothers, and their no-nonsense, unsolicited opinions of the world. The ads, created by Droga5, show that while yiayias criticize their grandchildren for their attire, lack of job or living with their significant other before marriage, the women do approve of Athenos products.

Although the ads have faced their own criticism for being controversial, the message about Athenos certainly is heard loud and clear with the brand's tagline, "Athenos may be the only thing approved by Yiayia."

Commenting on the ads, Droga5 CEO Andrew Essex said, "Consumers are clearly ready for a fresh voice in the category, and that requires communications that differentiate the brand in a genuinely fun way. We're convinced people will want to be part of this campaign, and we are thrilled to be working with a company so willing to push creative boundaries."

Click here to view the Athenos ad spots.

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