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Yoplait, celebrity chef Ellie Krieger push benefits of digestive health for women


MINNEAPOLIS Registered dietitian, celebrity chef, and New York Times best-selling author Ellie Krieger, of Food Network fame, earlier this month joined Yoplait Yo-Plus in promoting the benefits of digestive health, General Mills announced.

With women looking for more natural ways to regulate their digestion through food choices, probiotics continue to gain notoriety. In fact, according to the Yo-Plus survey, nearly two-thirds of women are familiar with probiotics, a strong indication that this health trend is gaining momentum as women become more aware of their options for healthy eating.

“Keeping your digestive system on track is an important part of healthy living,” Krieger stated. “Maintaining positive lifestyle habits are especially important throughout the holidays, which are fraught with high stress situations and excessive eating.”


According to a recent Yoplait Yo-Plus survey, nine-out-of-10 women have become committed to their digestive health in the last five years and eight-out-of-10 prefer to regulate their digestion through foods.

“Yo-Plus contains the added benefit of probiotics and fiber for digestive health,” Krieger said. Yo-Plus contains live and active probiotic cultures specifically designed for digestive health and can naturally regulate the balance of microorganisms in the digestive system when eaten daily.

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