11/8/2019 Here are three steps pharmacists and providers can take to reduce time to therapy and relieve administrative burden when prescribing specialty medications.
11/7/2019 The second annual Groceryshop conference featured stage presentations, panel discussions, an exhibit hall and podcasts.
10/29/2019 More than 90% of the medicines prescribed by doctors in the United States are generics, and more than a third of these drugs likely were manufactured in India.
10/14/2019 Faced with increasing competition from national chains, consolidation and declining reimbursements, the number of independent pharmacies has dropped.
10/11/2019 Sam Swartz of Duke Cannon shares key tips on how to win the premium men’s grooming category.
10/4/2019 Pharmacy consultant and industry expert Bruce Kneeland takes a look at an independent PBM business model focused on saving money and improving patient outcomes.
9/30/2019 DisposeRx founder and CEO John Holaday highlights the ways that pharmacies can play a role in helping patients safely dispose of unused and unwanted medication to prevent abuse and misuse.
9/27/2019 DSN's beauty director, Laura Fontana shares her thoughts on the growing men's grooming category.