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How do people use online platforms in their search for health?

A recent study by Tebra focuses on the ways people use the internet for health advice and how much they trust it compared to seeing a doctor.

Is self-diagnosis on social media helping or hurting people’s health?

A recent study by Tebra looks into this trend, focusing on the ways people use the internet for health advice and how much they trust it compared to seeing a doctor. 

Tebra analyzed online search data from around the world and surveyed more than 1,000 Americans about the health information they seek online. 

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Key takeaways:

  • RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) and pneumonia are the most frequently searched health concerns in the United States.
  • Erectile dysfunction is the most searched health concern on TikTok.
  • 86% of Americans have used online platforms for medical advice in the past year instead of consulting a doctor.
  • 1 in 4 Gen Zers have used TikTok for medical advice in the past year instead of consulting a doctor.
  • 1 in 8 Americans trust ChatGPT’s medical advice over a doctor’s.

Global analysis of health concern searches

Tebra's Google Trends search volume data analysis revealed that the United States has made the highest volume of searches for health-related terms in the past 12 months, followed by the United Kingdom, Germany and Mexico. Canada, Australia, France, Italy, Spain and Argentina also ranked among the top 10 countries searching for health answers, showing widespread interest in online health resources across continents.

Diving into the specifics, the most searched health concern globally was blood pressure. Other significant concerns included pneumonia, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and diabetes. Vitamin D, ADHD, bronchitis, COVID-19, diarrhea and high cholesterol also featured prominently in the top 10 searches, highlighting the varied health challenges people seek to better understand through online sources.

Respiratory health has been a top concern, as the nation grapples with a tripledemic of COVID-19, influenza (flu) and RSV this winter. In a state-by-state analysis, the most frequent health searches in the U.S. centered around RSV and pneumonia. Other top concerns included the following:

  • COVID-19
  • Blood pressure
  • Bronchitis
  • Diabetes
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Norovirus
  • Diarrhea
  • Vitamin D
  • ADHD

Next, the report examined the health term searches most associated with each of the 50 most populated cities in the U.S. A city-level analysis showed COVID-19 topped the search list in Albuquerque, N.M., reflecting possible ongoing issues or worries about the pandemic there.

Top health concerns 2023-2024 U.S.:

Residents in Arlington, Texas, and Charlotte, N.C., searched most for flu-related information compared to the national average search volume. Meanwhile, those in Atlanta, Detroit, Houston and Oklahoma City were most interested in identifying pregnancy symptoms. Norovirus was a key concern in Boston and Denver, indicating a heightened curiosity about this gastrointestinal illness.

Searching for health on TikTok:

Google isn’t the only place people are searching for health information online. This next section investigates the health topics most frequently searched on TikTok, examining the specific concerns that are capturing the attention of the platform’s user base.

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Top searched medical issues by Americans on TikTok

  • TikTok is becoming a hub for health-related inquiries. The study revealed that ED topped the list of health concerns on TikTok, with a search volume of over 44 million. This indicates a strong interest among TikTok users in understanding and addressing this particular health issue.
  • The next most common health concern searches were for flu, blood pressure, COVID-19 and urinary tract infection. The search trends extended to a wide range of health issues, including these other highly common searches:
  • Sinus infection
  • Kidney stones
  • Vitamin D 
  • ADHD
  • Arthritis

These insights into TikTok’s health search trends offer a unique window into the diverse topics that resonate with the platform’s users. "Our findings also stress the significance of social media in disseminating health information and highlight the need for accurate, engaging and reliable health content tailored to the preferences of audiences on these platforms," the company said.

U.S. most searched medical concerns in winter 2023:

The impact of seasonal change on health is evident in the search patterns observed throughout the year. "We noted an increase in health-related searches as winter approached, with our study showing a significant 72% surge in search volumes," the company said. The numbers escalated from approximately 12 million searches in July 2023 to 21 million by December 2023.

This considerable rise in search volume during the colder months could be attributed to the prevalence of seasonal ailments and the heightened awareness of winter health issues— especially as COVID-19 converges with flu and RSV this year. Conditions like flu, cold and respiratory problems tend to peak during this time, leading more people to seek online health advice. Additionally, the winter months often bring challenges related to mental health, such as Seasonal Affective Disorder, prompting further health inquiries.

Medical advice searches by platform:

The advancement of digital technology has changed the way people seek medical advice. According to the survey, 86% of Americans have used online platforms for medical advice in the past year, bypassing consultations with healthcare professionals. While only 9% overall turned to TikTok, this trend was particularly high among the youngest generation—25% of Gen Z. Furthermore, 1 in 8 Americans expressed more trust in ChatGPT for medical advice than in a doctor’s opinion.

The survey revealed that Reddit has become a key source of medical information as well, with 55% of Gen Z and 45% of millennials using the site instead of consulting a doctor. Some Americans (1 in 5) also have used Google instead of going to their annual physical, especially millennials (23%).

Despite the high usage of these platforms, only 8% of Americans reported trusting online advice more than a doctor’s, and just over a quarter (26%) indicated their trust in these platforms is about the same as in a doctor. Similarly, only 4% have acted on the advice they received online, highlighting a degree of caution in applying digital health suggestions.

Top reasons for consulting online medical resources:

Survey respondents also shed light on their reasons for turning to the internet for health-related advice. The primary motive for seeking medical advice online was nutrition and diet, with 61% of respondents prioritizing this area. Fitness and exercise routines came in second at 45%, indicating an interest in personal health and wellness maintenance through digital platforms.

General health and wellness concerns also were major reasons for online searches, as cited by 43% of respondents, while weight loss strategies and mental health garnered significant attention at 36% and 35%, respectively. Other key areas where people sought online guidance included:

  • Gut health
  • Cold vs. COVID-19 symptoms
  • Seasonal allergies
  • Cholesterol management

Although fundamental to health maintenance, preventive health care and regular check-ups were less frequently sought online, mentioned by only 14% of the participants. Gen Z’s use of online platforms for emotional support and shared experiences was particularly noteworthy, with 26% leaning toward digital sources over traditional medical consultations for these needs.

Tebra noted that this study reveals a significant shift toward online health information, with a notable increase during colder months and varied preferences across generations. This emphasizes the need for accurate digital health literacy. Healthcare providers and public health officials might want to consider adapting to these changing behaviors, ensuring the public receives reliable advice from top sources. Balancing digital convenience with professional healthcare expertise is key to maintaining public well-being in this digital age, the report said.

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