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NACDS Foundation, March of Dimes’ radio tour encourages immunizations


From Sept. 22 to Oct. 26, the National Association of Chain Drug Stores Foundation and March of Dimes, the leading nonprofit fighting for the health of moms and babies, conducted a national public awareness campaign to encourage Americans to get vaccinated for the flu — a vital step in keeping communities safe and healthy in the midst of the flu season and a global pandemic. 

March of Dimes’ senior vice president and chief medical and health officer, Rahul Gupta, served as the key spokesperson for a series of radio interviews to discuss the health benefits of the flu shot, as well as other key immunizations. 

“Getting a flu shot is one of the most important steps each of us can take right now to safeguard our health – especially pregnant women and seniors who are at greater risk of serious illness,” said Gupta. “We appreciate the NACDS Foundation’s partnership to boost flu vaccination rates and ensure Americans have the information they need to protect themselves and their families.”

The NACDS Foundation and March of Dimes hold a shared vision of protecting and promoting the health of Americans through equitable access to care — particularly access to recommended vaccinations such as the flu vaccine. 

“It is so important that Americans six months and older receive their flu vaccination this year, especially as the country faces the convergence of COVID-19 and influenza,” said NACDS Foundation president Kathleen Jaeger. “We are proud to be conducting a collaborative awareness campaign alongside March of Dimes, and we are appreciative of Dr. Gupta for the work he has done throughout the national radio tour to encourage Americans to receive their recommended flu vaccination as an important aspect of preventive care.”

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