NCPA highlights importance of medication adherence with new resources for pharmacists
ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The National Community Pharmacists Association has published a special edition of its America's Pharmacist magazine, which exclusively focuses on medication adherence.
The NCPA said the issue examines how Medicare now is using medication adherence metrics to calculate Medicare Part D plan star ratings, including Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D plans; offers an independent pharmacist's view on why mail order and adherence don't mix ("Adherence is not in the Mail"); and looks at a new adherence metric of pharmacy performance ("Equipped for Adherence").
In addition to the publication, NCPA also recently launched, a new site that provides pharmacists and other healthcare providers with a comprehensive resource of tools, programs and other resources to use with patients to help them understand the goals and outcomes of their prescription regimen, manage their chronic condition(s) and take their medications as directed.
"NCPA is proactively tackling this challenge and has launched a full-court press on the problem of nonadherence," NCPA CEO Douglas Hoey said. "The community pharmacist is the expert team member who can effectively identify and resolve medication issues. By identifying solutions and providing concrete actions and resources, we believe pharmacists are putting us one step closer to solving this expensive and unnecessary healthcare crisis."
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