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New product allows storage of smartphones, cards, cash, keys in one place


DEERFIELD, Ill. — A new product is designed to allow people to carry their smartphone, money, photo ID, credit card and key in one container, and the company is giving thousands of them away for free as part of a limited-time offer.

Grab N Go Band said it would give one free band for everyone who signs up at its website, and the final number of giveaways is limited only by the number of backers of the associated Kickstarter campaign.

"I'm confident that we will surpass our funding goal, but I still want to increase awareness of this one-of-a-kind minimalist product," creator Danny Wilk said. "Every day, I see people fumbling with a wallet in one hand and a smartphone in the other. I asked myself, how much stuff does a person really need when going to the gym, walking the dog or stopping by the store? That got me thinking about how to improve the concept of the minimalist wallet."


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