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From screens to shelves, direct-response is a hit


Move over Snuggie and ShamWow — more direct-response products are coming to retail.

“Over the past five years, there’s been an explosion of these products at retail,” said Tom Haire, editor of Response Magazine, a publication that covers the direct-response industry. “Retailers see products that fly off the shelves because they’ve been advertised so heavily, and manufacturers see an opportunity to extend the life of the brand.”

A recent article in Response predicted that products that have a retail component built into their distribution plan likely will be most successful in 2011. Those products touted in two-minute spots that carry a retail price of $19.99 or less will be winners at retail, according to Haire.

Retail sales account for about 95% of the blockbuster Snuggie’s sales, according to Allstar Products Group. “Products sold on TV are going to retail quicker than ever, some in as little as 60 to 90 days” said Peter Koeppel, president of Koeppel Direct.

With plenty of products to choose from, retailers are increasing the number of “As Seen On TV” products they carry. Drug chains are devoting endcaps and permanent sections to the category.

One industry expert predicted that the product segments likely to be the most successful in 2011 will be the “old standbys of home appliances, fitnesss, diet and beauty.”

Foot care has been particularly hot, according to Jordan Pine, president of SciMark Corp. Telebrands’ successful Ped Egg is being followed by IdeaVillage’s EasyFeet, one of the company’s hottest launches. Idea­Village also has added a new HD Vision product to its successful line. The new HD Aviation, which ships in March, will retail for $9.99.


The article above is part of the DSN Category Review Series. For the complete As Seen On TV Buy-In Report, including extensive charts, data and more analysis, click here.

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