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Ansell revives LifeStyles condoms brand


NEW YORK — Ansell Healthcare Products on Monday announced a relaunch of its core line of LifeStyles condoms in partnership with strategic brand consultant CBX and released a new Signature Series of premium condom products.

The new LifeStyles condoms encapsulate a brand-centric approach while establishing a consumer-driven position that better reflects a more confident and contemporary masculine style.

“We started by thinking of the premium line as a Signature Series,” stated Gregg Lipman, CBX managing partner. “We wanted to instantly communicate the quality and sensorial promise of each product, but also deliver better experience with a more contemporary masculine style to make them stand out against the competition.”

“We rethought everything, from the packaging structure and materials to how we treated the logos and how these products would be merchandized at different retailers," Lipman added. "[For example,] moving the brand to all vertical packaging reinforces the brand’s innovative position while also helping our retail partners maximize valuable shelf space.”

CBX also took into consideration that some retailers merchandize intimacy health products by brand, Lipman said. “So we made sure the LifeStyles brand name was anchored, consistently in the top left corner of each product in the core and signature lines. This maintains the brand continuity, while still allowing the core benefit of each product to speak for itself.”

Response from retailers has been extremely positive. “We’ve dramatically changed the perception of LifeStyles,” stated Carol Carrozza, VP marketing at Ansell. “We’re getting more shelf facings with our retailers and, importantly, back into the hearts and minds of our consumers. Retailers and consumers alike have been very receptive to these new products.”

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