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Bioforce elects not to participate in NAD inquiry


NEW YORK The National Advertising Division of the Council of Better Business Bureaus on Monday referred advertising from Bioforce USA for Sanhelios Curbita Bladder Caps to the Federal Trade Association and the Food and Drug Administration following the company’s refusal to participate in an NAD proceeding.

Claims made by Bioforce that were at issue in print and internet advertising included:

  • “Sanhelios found that the oil derived from a special species of pumpkinseed, Curbita provides a unique ability to enhance bladder function for men and women.”
  • “Pumpkin Seed Oil supports the entire system of bladder muscles.”
  • “This capsule holds the secret for strengthening the bladder.”
  • “Curbita Bladder Caps has the unique ability to enhance bladder function for men and women”
  • “It helps strengthen bladder muscles while supporting normal emptying of the bladder through the calming effect of this high dosage pumpkin power capsule.”
  • “It supports normal emptying of the bladder because Curbita has a calming and harmonizing effect on the function of bladder muscles. This leads to a  strengthening of the functional-urinary system for mean and women.”
  • “Sanhelios found that high dosages of Curbita, pumpkins, have a unique ability to enhance bladder function, leading to a strengthening of the bladder muscles as well as the functional-urinary system.”
  • “For a strong , healthy bladder, try Curbita”

The advertiser, in response to NAD’s inquiry, advised NAD that it had elected not to participate in the NAD review proceeding because the challenge was initiated by the Council of Responsible Nutrition. The advertiser contended that because CRN has funded the expansion of NAD’s review of dietary-supplement advertising, the advertiser believed the challenge to be improper.

NAD, in its decision, noted that it was disappointed by the advertiser’s decision not to provide a substantive response, especially in light of the strong health-related claims being made in the advertising.

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