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DSNTV: EZC Pak brings immune support from doctor's office to OTC space

There currently are roughly 2 million drug-resistant infections in the United States, and one of the contributing factors to their growth has been overuse of antibiotics, and 94% of doctors are concerned about the overuse of antibiotics. In light of this problem, Los Angeles-based EZC Pak has helped physicians reduce the number of antibiotics prescribed during initial visits, and is setting its sights on the consumer health market.

EZC Pak creator and CEO Dr. Sarath Malepati took the EZC Active Pak to San Diego and the National Association of Chain Drug Stores Total Store Expo, where Drug Store News caught up with him to discuss the need for a physician-formulated immune support pack and how EZC Pak is using it to move into the company’s next phase.

“I consider this product my baby — we worked very hard on this and we’re very much excited as a team to be bringing this product to market,” Malepati said.

The product already turned heads this year at the ECRM Cough/Cold, Analgesics and Allergy EPPS, where the product won the DSN/ECRM Buyers’ Choice Award.
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