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New moms have concerns about feeding their babies, Playtex finds


SHELTON, Conn. A recent national survey commissioned by Playtex revealed that 85% of first-time moms have experienced at least one feeding-related problem when caring for their new babies.

"Moms spend more time feeding their babies than any other interaction during the first year," stated William Sears, pediatrician and Playtex spokesman.  "Feeding a baby is more than simply a means of providing nutrition, it's an important bonding moment. This bonding time can be interrupted by stress and anxiety when new parents encounter feeding complications."

Challenges, problems and questions of new moms revealed by the survey included:

  • While first-time moms feel that feeding their baby is an important and enjoyable activity, nearly half of those surveyed (43%) confessed that feeding was a challenge they faced in caring for their new baby;
  • Nearly half of first-time moms (49%) cited gas as their top feeding problem, followed by difficulty breast-feeding (37%), fussiness or difficulty feeding (33%) and problems latching or sucking (32%). The majority of moms surveyed (70%) share a common problem in determining whether or not their baby is eating enough during feedings;
  • As many as 86% of survey respondents agreed time spent feeding their baby is an important bonding moment. In addition, nearly one in four moms (24%) said feeding was their favorite bonding moment during their daily routine; and
  • According to the survey, more than half of first-time moms (56%) ask feeding-related questions during their regular pediatrician appointments; with more than 1-in-4 (26%) doing so at every visit.

To help educate moms around breast feeding, and to offer helpful tips, Playtex has created an online resource at “To help educate new moms and encourage further awareness of feeding challenges, Playtex, with our pediatric partners, has developed tips that will provide the solutions parents need to enjoy feeding moments with their baby,” noted Jon Jager, senior brand manager, Playex Infant Care.

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