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HHS to implement new food and drug safety programs


WASHINGTON Health and Human Services secretary Michael Leavitt announced today two new programs that are designed to enhance the safety of food and medical products exported to the U.S.

The first program is a pilot project the HHS/Food and Drug Administration is undertaking with regulators in the European Union and Australia. Combined, the three regulators will plan, assign and conduct inspections of drug-manufacturing facilities, with an initial focus on makers of active pharmaceutical ingredients. If successful, this program could expand to include other types of manufacturing facilities.

The second program is a third-party certification pilot program involving farm-raised shrimp and organizations that certify these products as compliant with the FDA’s seafood regulations. The project is designed to help HHS/FDA learn how to evaluate third-party certification programs and implement them in the field.

“These programs will significantly increase our collaboration with international and private sector partners to enhance the safety of imported food and medical products,” Leavitt said.

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