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NACDS to testify on prescription drug tracking


ALEXANDRIA, Va. The National Association of Chain Drug Stores will testify tomorrow at a Congressional hearing on prescription drug safety.

At issue for NACDS and other retail pharmacy groups is a growing move in Congress to mandate electronic drug pedigrees as a way to seal up the U.S. pharmaceutical supply chain and prevent counterfeit and adulterated medicines from entering the drug distribution system. But retail pharmacy leaders have expressed alarm at the proposal, saying retail pharmacies don’t yet have the expensive technology in place needed to establish a complete electronic tracking record of every drug they dispense. NACDS and other groups also argue that systems and regulations are already in place to protect the pharmaceutical supply chain and prevent phony or tainted drugs from getting into widespread distribution.

Kevin Nicholson, vice president of pharmacy regulatory affairs for NACDS, will make that point tomorrow in testimony before the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee Subcommittee on Health. The purpose of the hearing: to review a draft of the drug safety provisions included in the proposed Food and Drug Administration Globalization Act.

The hearing will take place May 1 at 10 a.m., at the Rayburn House Office Building, according to NACDS.

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