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National Barley Foods Council and BGLife Barley promote high-fiber diet


SPOKANE, Wash. The National Barley Foods Council and BGLife Barley are joining forces to promote awareness of the health benefits of fiber. Whole grain, high-fiber diets may help control and prevent Type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes.

In accordance with National Diabetes Month in November, BGLife Barley is developing new grain products with higher amounts of soluble fiber. Its latest creation is Heart Balance Cereal, a completely whole-grain barley cereal. “A single serving of Heart Balance Cereal contains 50 percent more total dietary fiber and half the fat of oatmeal,” says Dr. Christine Fastnaught, technical manager at BGLife Barley. “Most importantly, just one serving of this cereal contain three grams of beta-glucan soluble fiber.”

Beta-glucan boasts many healthful attributes, including cholesterol reduction and weight control It also is an aid in establishing healthy blood sugar and blood pressure. A study in Nutrition Research and the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that foods containing barley reduced glucose and insulin responses, and a study in the Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice Journal reported a 30 percent decrease in average blood glucose level in Type 2 diabetics who ate 18 grams of soluble fiber per day.

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