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Newest Harris Poll shows decrease in cigarette smoking but increase in obesity


ROCHESTER , N.Y. New findings from the Harris Poll have shown that through a 25-year period the amount of smokers has decreased, but the problem of obesity has risen. The Harris Poll was conducted by Harris interactive who is known as one of the largest market research firms, which through the poll, study the trends of the American public’s habits.

The poll, which is conducted every year, consisted of a nationwide telephone survey of 1,010 adults to ask about certain healthy or un-healthy behaviors, which include smoking, obesity and seat belt use.

According to published reports, only 17 percent of adults smoke cigarettes as opposed to the 30 percent that smoked in 1983. Through multi-year averages cigarette consumption has fallen to 21 percent from 2006 to 2008 as opposed to 29 percent in the 1980s.

In the weight category, the poll found that twenty-five years ago 58 percent of adults over 25 were overweight, and now the number has risen to 78 percent of adults. When questioning obesity in adults the survey found that 33 percent of adults were obese while in the 1980s the number was only 15 percent.

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