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Pharmacists engage with patients in campaign for improved nutrition


Should retail pharmacists tell their patients to eat a good breakfast?

A mountain of data showing the health benefits of a good breakfast — one that includes high-fiber foods like cereals and grains — point to an unequivocal answer: absolutely.

Studies have proven that eating breakfast is closely linked to healthy body weights, improved mental alertness and physical performance. Plus, people who skip breakfast don’t make up for the missed nutrients later in the day.

And with health and nutrition concerns influencing more household food purchases in the United States, pharmacists are increasingly helping patients learn about better dietary choices while they shop.

As a result, retail pharmacies are equipping pharmacists with additional training and education to encourage discussions with customers about overall nutrition, including the importance of starting the day with breakfast.

“As the category leader, Kellogg Company’s integrated shopper insights team helps our customers better understand what shoppers are looking for and how they shop the category,” says Doug VanDeVelde, SVP marketing and innovation of ready-to-eat cereal for Kellogg. “We also have a number of efforts under way to remind consumers of the significant benefits of cereal. For example, at, we share important nutrition information and address some common consumer questions about ready-to-eat cereal.”

Price-conscious consumers are also looking for discounts, as well as products that offer good nutrition — and at just 50 cents a serving, including milk, cereal provides convenient, affordable nutrition for families.

In fact, ready-to-eat cereal is growing approximately three percent per year and is the third largest center-of-the-store category.

Moreover, cereal provides important nutrition for people at all life stages. Cereal helps children get valuable nutrients they might otherwise miss. For women of childbearing age, cereal provides necessary iron, calcium, fiber and folic acid. And the nutrient density of cereal helps elderly people get necessary nutrients for relatively few calories, which is important as calorie needs decline, but nutrients needs do not.

With healthier food selections, nutritional information and in-store pharmacists, supermarket pharmacies are fertile ground for a more integrated approach to health and wellness.

“If there’s an actual dietitian or a nutritionist in the store, more and more we’re seeing the pharmacist create in-store programs with the dietitian,” said Cathy Polley, VP health and wellness for the Food Marketing Institute and executive director of the FMI Foundation. “They’re collaborating to make sure they understand each other’s world a little better and give the consumer a healthier lifestyle and more fulfilling shopping experience.”

For example, when a person with diabetes or high cholesterol arrives to fill a prescription, the pharmacist can suggest programs, cooking classes or tours led by the dietitian that may complement a patient’s medication.

In addition, Polley told Drug Store News, “Many of the grocery manufacturers these days also have products that they are displaying in and around the pharmacy, like fiber bars and different types of cereal. That really lends itself to pharmacists being able to make that nutrition discussion part of their counseling about the medication.”

There is strong evidence that diets higher in fiber help reduce the risk of a number of health issues, such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes and certain cancers, yet 90 percent of American adults and children aren’t getting enough fiber in their diets. Kellogg is also helping consumers with this important need. The majority of its cereals are at least a good source of fiber (3 grams), and about half also include a half serving (8 grams) of whole grains.

Together, pharmacists, retailers and manufacturers are helping educate consumers about important nutritional options, as well as the benefits breakfast brings to the table. And with more than 80 cereal choices, Kellogg provides consumers with nutritious, convenient and affordable breakfast options that help meet their taste preferences and nutrition needs.

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