Q&A: McKesson HVS, R/X Automation Solutions execs discuss new chapter
Two companies with a long history in the industry, McKesson High Volume Solutions, or HVS, and R/X Automation Solutions, or RXAS, have competed at times to deliver highly automated systems for the central fill and mail order pharmacy industry. Now, they have come together as McKesson Prescription Automation, merging the hardware and software expertise of RXAS with the integration and operational expertise of HVS. Drug Store News spoke with Brian Doyle and Tim Chambers to find out how this new company will operate and what the future looks like.
Drug Store News: First of all, what made this combination so attractive to both companies?
Brian Doyle: When we looked at how we could support growth and provide better value for our customers, the two things that stood out were a need to advance our software capabilities and provide innovative hardware solutions to meet the growing demand on central fill and mail order facilities. Acquiring RXAS and RXIT was a natural fit not only because of their existing products, but because we know what they are capable of in the future.
Tim Chambers: We were very familiar with HVS, so combining the two companies really made sense. Plus, adding the benefits of additional investment in innovation, support and scalability that comes from being part of a company like McKesson will help us take our products to the next level.
BD: Integrating two companies is never easy, but we know that together, we have a solution that is really unmatched in the industry. What’s really come out of this is we now have a technology company that is about more than just the technology. We’re able to really manage the integration of the interconnected systems, logistics, inventory management and new store-side processes for the customer in a way that makes the technology an extension of their existing processes, rather than something else they need to manage.
DSN: How will this change the systems that you build for clients?
BD: We’ve always gone about our projects in a very consultative approach, that’s what makes us different. We’re part of the customer’s process long before any hardware is installed as we build a strategy, analyze their prescription capacity, and work through any potential regulatory compliance issues. None of that will change, but what will change is we’re now able to be even more flexible in our designs because we have the integrated hardware to be highly innovative in the solutions we create.
Beyond the systems themselves, we can also offer a few things that are really unique to the industry. Having the tools we do, and being part of McKesson’s large distribution network, we can offer everything from a full capital purchase to a service model, where we actually own the system itself and charge the customer a per-script fee to manage their central fill or mail order programs. Being flexible on the model opens the door to new customers who may have not had the volume to justify a large purchase, but can benefit from the opportunity to structure a system that works for them.
DSN: What can you tell us about the software?
TC: Brian was referring to the Sanitas Pharmacy Management System that we’ve designed and developed to provide commonality and consistency throughout the pharmacy. The software is very specific to operating in the mail order, central fill, specialty and digital spaces that require specialized order interfaces, scheduling, fulfillment, verification and shipping functionality. What’s great about the software is it’s modular, so it’s configurable and flexible for each customer’s unique requirements, but still provides a common look and feel from station to station. We can do anywhere from 500 scripts to 80,000 scripts a shift with the same software.
BD To be honest, the Sanitas software was one of the things that was so attractive to us in this deal. Our HVS software is regularly updated, but getting to the next big release is typically a very lengthy process. Sanitas has a very good track record, having already been deployed in numerous sites, and does a lot of what we envisioned for our own software. It has a modern, flexible architecture, user-friendly dashboards and reporting features, and the ability to interface with numerous front-end pharmacy management systems and types of automation.
DSN: What can we expect to see from the new combined company?
BD: Simply put, it means we can offer a lot more to our customers. As a manufacturer, we have even more flexibility to design systems that are truly customized to each customer’s needs. Combining the software, hardware and operational experience allows us to deliver enhanced productivity, better inventory controls and increased capacity. Putting it all together as McKesson Prescription Automation is a real game-changer for our customers. We’re committed to helping them fill prescriptions faster, more efficiently and at higher volumes. dsn