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AmLactin, Kerasal call on fans to give products a packaging makeover

The brands are calling on consumers to help give their products a refreshed look as part of its #UnsexyDesignChallenge initiative.

AmLactin and Kerasal have come together to call on consumers to help showcase their creativity by giving their products a refreshed look as part of its #UnsexyDesignChallenge initiative. 

“Our products might not make your ‘shelfie,’ but trust us, they’ll give you soft, smooth, radiant skin, helping you feel more confident in your own true skin,” said Heather Choe, head of marketing at AmLactin. “The prettiest, most aesthetic packaging doesn’t necessarily mean the most effective formula. Our products deliver real results, and that’s what matters most. This contest is about celebrating the effectiveness and having some fun with our fans in the process.”

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Those whose designs are chosen will see their vision come to life as part of a limited-edition product drop from the brands, as well as be featured prominently across social media. 

"Our foot and nail care products may not be super sexy to use, but let me tell you, they work miracles even on the gnarliest-looking feet," said Whitney Kopp, head of marketing at Kerasal. "The #unsexyproducts trend is all about celebrating products that don’t need to follow the latest design trends to get the job done. We're excited to see how our fans can turn our ‘unsexy’ packaging into something they want to have on their shelf."

Participants can enter by following both brands on Instagram and create am original design for the AmLactin Daily Nourish 12% Lotion or Kerasal Intensive Foot Repair Ointment and post a picture to their Instagram Stories that utilizes the #UnsexyDesignChallenge and tag both brands. 

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