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Bump eRaiser helps target ingrown hairs

Bump eRaiser, a product that’s part of Caronlab Australia's portfolio, is looking to make itself a part of the ingrown hair solution that may plague those who shave.

“We know how much of a nuisance ingrown hairs are, which is why we've developed a product range that targets and helps prevent them.” Tiffany Goodie, quality manager for Caronlab, said. “Bump eRaiser has become a favorite skin-care product of people around the globe because it has shown itself to be quite efficient at tackling ingrown hair problems.”

The Boca Raton, Fla.-based company’s product also highlights the importance of dealing with ingrown hairs to help prevent complications and promote dermal health.

Ingrown hairs, which manifest as bumps on the face, arms, legs or other body parts, have curled and grown back underneath the skin. It often is a result of dead skin clogging up hair follicles and forcing the hair to grow sideways, the company said.

“People shouldn't have to feel too embarrassed to go out and enjoy themselves because they're having problems with ingrown hairs,” Goodie said. "We encourage everyone struggling with this issue to give Bump eRaiser a try and get the relief they deserve.”

Further information on the Bump eRaiser can be found on Caronlab’s website.
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