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Consumer Reports projected downturn in Thanksgiving holiday shoppers


YONKERS, N.Y. — Consumer Reports last week projected less shopper traffic over the five days between Thanksgiving Day and Cyber Monday. According to Consumer Reports' latest Black Friday Holiday Poll, 53% of respondents said they did not plan to shop anytime during the five-day stretch between Thanksgiving Day and Cyber Monday. In fact, 39% of those surveyed said they are less likely to shop at some point during the span this year versus last year, while only 10% said they are more likely to shop compared to 2013.


Among the 47% who plan to buy gifts, 38% will be doing so exclusively online compared to 30% who intend to shop strictly at stores. Despite the ubiquity of smartphones and tablets, only one-quarter of shoppers plan to use either or both for Black Friday purchases.


"The change in shopping behavior from mall to mouse has a lot to do with convenience. People hate crowds. Men, in particular, are eschewing stores for the Internet," said Tod Marks, Consumer Reports' senior project editor and resident shopping expert.


But there are other reasons why both males and females prefer to shop online — or not at all: They hate the idea of getting up early, would rather spend time with family (or doing something else), and feel the Black Friday deals are over-hyped.


In terms of when people intend to shop, 34% of respondents said Black Friday itself; 23% cited Cyber Monday; and 20% on either the Saturday or Sunday. As many as 15% planned to shop on Thanksgiving Day.


While Black Friday may have lost some luster over the years, the weekend remains one of the biggest shopping periods on the calendar, with many consumers drawn to stores not only for the deals, which the faithful perceive to be the best of the year, but also because of tradition. Here's a breakdown of why people still hit the stores on Black Friday weekend:


  • I get the best deals of the year (48%);

  • I want to get items before they're out of stock (29%);

  • It's tradition (29%);

  • I enjoy the energy of the holiday season (25%);

  • It's the best time to get my holiday shopping done (20%);

  • I just want to get out of the house (16%);

  • I want to get my shopping done all at once (14%);

  • I want to take advantage of time off from work (12%);

  • I enjoy the shopping competition (9%); and

  • It's a good way to escape house guests (6%).


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