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A new beauty category emerges with the launch of FragranceLock


NEW YORK -- A new beauty product is hitting the fragrance shelves soon, but it's not a fragrance.

FragranceLock is a finishing spray that aims to give fragrance longer lasting staying power via a breathable mesh on the skin decelerating fragrance's natural evaporation cycle making fragrance last longer. According to FragranceLock, testing demonstrated that the product helps perfume last for up to 12 hours or longer.

FragranceLock is sprayed over fragrance. Unlike current practices of layering fragrance with similarly scented products, FragranceLock can be used with all fragrances, providing long lasting benefits.  It boosts the overall efficacy of the fragrance keeping a woman's favorite fragrance in place longer.

"My perfume smells great but it doesn't seem to last long. Why doesn't anyone invent a product to make your perfume last longer?" said FragranceLock co-founder Josephine Sullivan, a college student at the time and longtime beauty aficionado raised by parents who both worked in the beauty industry. 

Co-founder Francine Gingras, a 20 plus year veteran of the industry, decided it was time to become an entrepreneur, quit her day job and together they worked to create something that would deliver against this unmet consumer need.

"FragranceLock is the ultimate finishing layer created to ensure that perfume lasts longer," said Gingras. "Our philosophy is simple– we know fragrance has the power to unlock hidden potentials, create lasting memories and represent the most intimate dimension of a woman. So we want every scent to last longer because perfume is personal," said Gingras. 

FragranceLock comes in a 2.75 oz. bottle and will retail for $34. FragranceLock will launch exclusively on HSN on July 27 and will be looking to expand distribution in September.

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