TABS webinar: Deal takers buy more
Do you truly understand the dimensions of cosmetics consumer behavior and how these dimensions impact brand choices, outlet shopping patterns and attitudes toward the category overall? That was the focus of a webinar presented in February by consumer analytics company TABS Group.
Serving as a follow up to the “2014 Insights into the Beauty Consumer” webinar held in December, TABS Group revisited the topic on Feb. 25 for a webinar that was also hosted by Drug Store News. The webinar revealed the findings of a TABS Group 2014 cosmetics study of 1,000 women ages 18 years to 75 years.
According to Kurt Jetta, CEO and founder of TABS Group, some key takeaways from the hour-long webinar, “2014 Cosmetics Industry Study – Part 2: Brand Insights, Consumer Value and Promotion,” include:
High relationship between deal activity and category purchasing. Consumers who participate on more types of deals buy the most.
Mainstream brands (those with at least 70% awareness) sold in the mass market see a significant drop in favorability and buyer conversion for those who pay the highest prices. Popularity wanes if a brand becomes too ubiquitous. Mainstream specialty, niche mass and niche specialty all saw favorability and conversion increase among the premium buyers.
Mass market outlets (food, drug, mass, club and dollar) capture 77% of the purchases for low-price buyers, but only 48% of the purchases for high-price buyers.
Buyers at the highest price range skew non-white.
Brand loyalty rates are remarkably similar across the vast majority of brands. Consumers look to multiple brands to meet their needs.
If you missed either part of the TABS Group's "2014 Insights into the Beauty Consumer" webinar, you can view the on-demand versions here.