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Three brands to advertise with StoreBoard Media


NEW YORK Three brands have signed on to advertise on StoreBoard Media’s security pedestal media.

Coca-Cola's Nestea and Cadbury's Dentyne gum are being featured on StoreBoard’s EyeCurve billboards at the entranceways to chain drug stores nationwide. The campaigns will run through June 14. Meanwhile, Johnson & Johnson's Aveeno is a returning brand.

Douglas Leeds, StoreBoard’s CEO, said, “Our in-store billboard media opportunity has emerged as an ideal solution for stores looking to become more customer-centric, and for brands that want to reach out-of-home shoppers at the point-of-decision.”

Retailers who join the StoreBoard media network generate a new source of revenue, Leeds said, since StoreBoard shares its revenue with retailers and sells its product as media rather than promotion, enabling retailers to gain access to new marketing dollars from brands.

StoreBoard advertising runs in four-week cycles. The Nestea, Aveeno and Dentyne campaigns comprise the sixth cycle for 2009.

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