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Dentists smile on sugarless gum’s impact


CHICAGO Wrigley Co. today announced its received the American Dental Association’s seal for its Orbit, Extra and Eclipse sugarless gums. The gum brands are the first to receive the seal, which is found on Crest toothpaste and Listerine mouthwash, among other products, with Wrigley convincing the ADA that consumers can fight cavities while chewing sugarless gum.

“What consumers want from a chewing gum isn’t just flavor or fresh breath,” said Martin Schlatter, Wrigley’s marketing chief. “They also want oral health.”

A three-year clinical study found chewing Orbit, Extra and Eclipse sugarless gum strengthens teeth and creates saliva that reduces plaque acids.

Although ADA executives said no payment is involved for Wrigley’s use of the seal, Wrigley paid $36,000 to submit the three gums for scrutiny and will pay a $2,500 annual “maintenance” fee to use the seal to help defray the program’s cost.

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