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Interpublic Group names new leader for Dr Pepper account


LOS ANGELES True Agency independent marketing firm founder and former president/chief executive, Valencia Gayles, has been hired to head up marketing on Interpublic Group’s Deutsch/LA Dr Pepper account, the agency said.

Gayles joins Interpublic Group [based Marina del Rey, Calif.] as a senior vice president and group account director. She said in a statement that she is “focused on big ideas and business solutions. When I saw Deutsch’s work and met the people behind it, I realized Deutsch doesn’t just preach integration, they live it and put it to work seamlessly, regularly and effectively for all clients.”

At True, Gayles managed clients like AARP, Countrywide, Hilton Hotels and Infiniti. Gayles also has served as account director at several California agencies prior to founding True where she handled brands like Apple, Earthlink, Lexus and Nissan.

IPG’s Deutsch/LA was awarded lead agency on the Cadbury Schweppes’ Dr Pepper account in April. According to the Nielsen Monitor-Plus, its domestic ad spending was $35 million in 2007, down from $45 million in 2006.

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