Michelob Ultra debuts light cider
ST. LOUIS — Anheuser-Busch has expanded its Michelob Ultra brand to include a naturally sweetened and gluten-free cider made from crisp apples.
Michelob Ultra light cider is the first cider from Anheuser-Busch to be produced and distributed in the United States. The cider touts 120 calories and is ideal for year-round enjoyment and provides adult drinkers a light, refreshing alternative to white wine, champagne and heavier ciders.
"As more people continue to discover cider, we've found that many view traditional ciders as either too heavy, too sweet or both," Anheuser-Busch VP premium lights Ryan Moore said. "This perception has often times limited ciders to a seasonal beverage during fall and winter, but we saw an untapped potential to expand the category as a year-round option for adult drinkers. Michelob Ultra light cider fills this void with a lower calorie cider with a milder, but distinct, sweetness that can be enjoyed straight or over ice."
Michelob Ultra light cider now is available nationwide in 6-packs of 12-oz. clear glass bottles.