Marketing no longer about mobilizing the masses, but about amassing the upwardly mobile
Geoscape issued a report projecting the future buying power of both Asian and Hispanic households, respectively. Both groups will spend far more in their remaining lifetimes than white non-Hispanic households.
This report should serve as a wake up call that multicultural marketing efforts that appeal to the diversity of a shopper base are not just innovative strategies — they're also essential.
Japanese study finds link between baldness, heart disease
NEW YORK — Men who go bald may be at increased risk of heart disease, according to a new study by researchers in Japan.
The researchers, at the University of Tokyo School of Medicine, examined data on 36,690 men, finding that those who experienced vertex baldness were 1.32 times more likely to experience coronary heart disease than those without baldness and those who experienced frontal baldness.
The study, based on previously published medical studies, appeared on April 3 in the journal BMJ Open.