Changing Channels — Fridge-to-Go, Original Singing Bird Clock, Smartdog Jerky and more
I'm with cocoa
Crio Brü offers a new take on hot chocolate, made with real cocoa beans, with all the health properties thereof, and brewed just like coffee.
Price: $11.97
Consideration for odors
Poo-Pourri sells a line of toilet bowl deodorizers for goers on the go that neutralizes unpleasant smells with a mix of infused herbs.
Price: $9.95 - $16.95
The 'cool' factor
DistribUSA has launched Fridge-to-Go, a line of totes that provides up to 16 hours of cooling, but without ice packs or electricity.
Price: $18 - $55
What's the scoop?
iScoopy Pal is a cardboard contraption designed for picking up dog poop, available in sizes for German shepherds and chihuahuas in 30-day supplies.
Price: $16 - $20
Baby type
Babies start learning from the moment they're born, so why not prepare them for the modern world with VTech's toy version of the ubiquitous laptop?
Price: $15.99
Welcome to the birdhouse
Spring and summer mean bird watching, but the Original Singing Bird Clock offers the pleasure of listening to a different songbird every hour.
Price: $14.95 (small), $24.95 (large)
Hot diggity-dog
Ladbird & Friends has a line of flavored hot sauces named for the owners' four-legged friends. The company donates 5% of the profits to the ASPCA.
Price: $5.50 - $5.99
Drink wittily
CoolCups and Stuff! sells a wide variety of cups, tea towels, napkins and other items printed with funny jokes and quips.
Price: Wholesale prices are $1.50 and up, depending on the item
¡Muy picante!
DuneCraft sells a variety of growing kits, includign this one, which provides everything needed to grow more than two dozen hot pepper plants.
Price: $24.99
Jerking the chain
Like humans, dogs are at risk of weight problems and diabetes. But Smartdog Jerky offers all-natural and healthy treats.
Price: $10.99 - $20.99