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Need for fiber supplements booms


NEW YORK — As many as 16% of those Americans who take supplements actively take a fiber supplement, according to the Council for Responsible Nutrition 2016 Annual Survey on Dietary Supplements. And usage skews younger — 21% of adults between the ages of 18 and 34 years old who supplement take fiber, compared to 9% of adults over the age of 55 years who take a supplement.

That means there may be an opportunity to entice more seniors to take a fiber supplement. A 2014 Frost & Sullivan report on the healthcare-cost savings associated with supplementing determined that if U.S. adults over the age of 55 years old with elevated cholesterol took a specific amount of psyllium dietary fiber supplements, it could lead to cumulative healthcare savings of $19.9 billion — between 2013 to 2020 — by reducing CHD disease-related medical events by 11.5%.

“The need for fiber is only growing,” said Lou Machin, managing director at Lifelab Health. “Consumers of all ages are not getting the recommended amount from diet alone, so supplementation — if it’s made easy to take — is key.”

According to Lifelab consumer research, there are several “must haves” when it comes to fiber supplements. Consumers want a fiber supplement that’s easy to mix, not gritty or chunky, palatable, includes an option for either flavored or not flavored, odorless and quick to take.

“Seniors have multiple health issues and are concerned that the products they take are not adding any chemicals or GMO and gluten to their diets,” Machin said. “They already take medicines for various health issues, so the last thing they want to add is a fiber product that isn’t as natural as possible.”

Lifelab Health’s NuSyllium

Lifelab Health in August introduced NuSyllium. NuSyllium’s 100% certified organic fiber blend is free of artificial additives, GMOs, gluten, dairy, tree nut and peanut, and has zero trans fat. NuSyllium Organic Natural Fiber promotes digestive health and regularity, including occasional constipation; helps lower cholesterol levels and promotes heart health; helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels and supports weight management by helping to feel full between meals.


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