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Survey: 68% of consumers feel probiotics help regulate digestive system, but one-third don't get enough


WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. — A new survey commissioned by The Dannon Company found that the majority of Americans understand the importance of digestive health and its link to overall well-being, the company announced Wednesday. While 93% of Americans agree that digestive health is closely linked to overall health and wellbeing, some may not always know the simple steps to help keep their digestive system on track.

The annual benchmarking survey also found that a majority of respondents (68%) believe certain probiotics help regulate the digestive system, yet one-third of Americans agree that they don’t get enough probiotics in their average daily diets, along with other important nutrients like calcium and vitamin D.

“It is encouraging to see that Americans understand the importance of digestive wellbeing, however, many still don’t know how to maintain a healthy digestive system especially during the holidays when we tend to indulge,” commented Miguel Freitas, director of health affairs at Dannon “This is why we’ve teamed up with nationally recognized registered dietitian Keri Glassman to help bridge the gap in knowledge on how Americans can help support their digestive system and overall wellbeing.”

Keri Glassman, founder and president of Nutritious Life and author of the forthcoming book The New You and Improved Diet: 8 Rules to Lose Weight and Change Your Life Forever, has been a vocal advocate for digestive wellbeing. “I am thrilled to be partnering with Dannon this year to educate Americans about the simple steps they can take to maintain a well-balanced digestive system,” Glassman said. “The holiday season can be a stressful time of year for many people; luckily there are easy steps one can take to improve their digestive health, including foods like certain probiotic yogurts.” 

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