Rinus Beintema teams up with U.S. firm for new CBD delivery method
Hemp Synergistics announced that they have joined forces with Rinus Beintema, a European medical cannabis company, to deliver long-sought relief with hemp-infused treatments for thousands of pain and symptom sufferers.
“We have joined forces to create and deliver what is likely the most valuable, efficient and cost-effective all-natural concept on the CBD market today with a new product that is easier to consume and 10 times more effective and more affordable,” said Hemp Synergistics co-founder Russ Cersosimo. “There’s truly nothing like it in the world.”
Over the past year, Hemp Synergistics has been working hand in hand with well-known cannabis legalization advocate Rinus Beintema and his nonprofit group, Suver Nuver, to develop condition-specific, custom cannabinoid treatments.
The maximum THC percentage for CBD products is 0.05% in the Netherlands, considerably lower than the 0.2% found in the rest of Europe. Beintema needed an end product guaranteed to maintain legal compliance and set out to find an advanced laboratory and manufacturer to assist.
Enter Hemp Synergistics, a Pittsburgh-based biotechnology company that specializes in extracting, isolating and standardizing the active molecules in hemp. The company had already conquered absorption of these substances, referred to as “bioavailability,” by preventing the body from breaking them down in the digestive process.
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Hemp Synergistics went to work in its laboratory to reproduce the cannabis oil formulas of Suver Nuver as precisely as possible in powder form, using industrial hemp, and created a final product guaranteed to stay within performance metrics specifying no more than 0.05% THC, the company said.
Soaring patient-satisfaction rates proved the success of this new powder, the companies said. Clinical trials were conducted with 300 volunteers, with 82% reporting the same or better effects from the new solution over the oil-based product, an amazing result considering the hefty reduction in the amount consumed, according to the brand.
Suver Nuver has since expanded its clinical trials to over 30,000 patients. This will be followed by a full-country rollout in the Netherlands in Q3 and an expansion into Germany in Q4.
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“This is the most effective and efficient product available, significantly better than the oils we have been working with for the last six years,” Beintema said.
“We are thrilled to partner with Rinus and we share his passion for patients and their overall wellness,” said Dan Kohler, CEO of Hemp Synergistics. “The synergies are boundless and we embrace our continued collaboration on product development for the good of all his patients, now and in the future.”