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SP Nutraceuticals releases Metavo

Metavo enhances metabolism at the cellular level, enabling the body to properly metabolize fats, proteins and carbs.

SP Nutraceuticals is debuting Metavo.

Featuring the proprietary avocado compound AvoB, Metavo activates metabolism at the cellular level, enabling the body to properly metabolize fats, proteins and carbs to improve insulin sensitivity, glucose tolerance and energy, the company said.

Metavo also has been known to support metabolic health by helping with food cravings, and energy slumps, enabling preventative and proactive health management, allowing consumers to activate their metabolism naturally - the key to metabolic health, SP Nutraceuticals noted.

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Metavo shared that it commissioned The Harris Poll to examine the state of metabolic health in North America. Poor metabolic health reveals itself through weight gain, stress, higher blood sugar, decreased energy and other health-related issues. The study found a general lack of awareness around metabolic dysfunction, with key insights including:

  • Nearly half of North Americans (47%) are not aware that the metabolic system is the backbone of health;
  • Few (30%) know that metabolic health is not the same as gut health, and nearly a third (31%) falsely believe that metabolic dysfunction mostly occurs in those who are overweight;
  • While over nine in 10 North Americans (93%) report that their health was at least fair, nearly three in four North Americans (74%) have reported at least one listed issue related to their metabolic health in the past year; 
  • Additionally, there appears to be a knowledge gap when it comes to the everyday symptoms and detrimental long-term effects of metabolic dysfunction if untreated, with nearly two in five North Americans (38%) not knowing that metabolic dysfunction can cause everyday symptoms like brain fog, food cravings and energy slumps, and roughly the same proportion (37%) not knowing that it can cause serious health issues like heart disease, diabetes and stroke;
  • Poor metabolic health also has negatively impacted many facets of North Americans' lives; among those who experienced at least one listed issue related to metabolic health in the past year, those issues had a negative impact most notably on their physical health (74%) and mental health (63%). Many report their social life (57%), personal relationships (51%) and jobs (44%) also have suffered as a result. 

Metavo was developed by world-renowned scientist Paul Spagnuolo, associate professor  in the department of food science at the University of Guelph, who was originally conducting advanced medical research. While researching, he discovered that an avocado bioactive compound, Avocatin B, also known as AvoB, can restore mitochondria health at the cellular level. By inhibiting fatty acid oxidation, AvoB supports proper metabolism of fats and carbs, which improves insulin sensitivity, the company said. 

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“We are seeing a knowledge gap when it comes to the negative effects of metabolic dysfunction,” said Spagnuolo. “Metabolic health is central to overall health and extensive research has shown how Avo B can correct mitochondria dysfunction at the cellular level to restore metabolic health, which can have significant physiological benefits.” 

The Metavo/Harris Poll study also found that 72% of North Americans are interested in taking supplements to support their metabolic health.

Metavo provides the optimal all-natural solution for those seeking preventative and interventional metabolic health support. 100% natural, vegan, gluten-free, non-GMO and free of added sugars, Metavo can seamlessly integrate into consumers’ daily health routine and is offered in both a convenient veggie capsule, to be taken twice daily, or in powder form, to be taken twice daily, mixed in with water, milk, dairy alternative or smoothie.

This survey was conducted online by The Harris Poll on behalf of Metavo from March 29 – April 3, 2023 among 3,045 North Americans adults ages 18 and older (defined as those who reside in the United States or Canada).

Metavo is available on,, in grocery stores including Loblaws, health food stores and drugstores including CVS and Shoppers Drug Mart



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