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Consumers expect the kind of personalized in-store experience they're finding online


NEW YORK - An iVend Retail report titled “Great Omnichannel Expectations” released Thursday found that the physical store is falling short of meeting consumer expectations for personalization. 


“When consumers shop online, they receive an individualized experience – including loyalty offers or recommendations tailored to their specific preferences. While many retailers have made strides in this area, their efforts have not yet fully translated to the physical store, where the consumer is more anonymous,” stated Tim Barton, director strategic accounts at CitiXsys. “The findings of this survey and the accompanying report can help retailers make smarter technology investments that will allow the store to perform more strategically.”


Some key themes and findings from the report include:


  • For convenience, online still rules. A significant majority of consumers said they find shopping online more convenient than in a store. A key concern for consumers is that the online shopping experience feels more personal;

  • More personalized loyalty offers and mobile point of sale would improve the store experience. More than four out of 10 consumers would like exclusive offers sent to their phone when they enter a store. There is also interest from consumers in having sales associates use tablet devices to take payments so that they can avoid the checkout lines;

  • For many retailers, outdated loyalty programs are a missed opportunity. Consumers missing out on loyalty points or coupons before the expiration date is a growing concern that retailers can address by offering digital loyalty programs; and

  • Nearly half of consumers are doing online research before they visit a store. Retailers must ensure their physical store is well integrated with their digital presence to cater to these informed shoppers.


The report was based on a survey of 1,000 U.S. and Canadian consumers. 





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