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Giant’s dietitians kick off free pantry makeover virtual series in January

Each week, the dietitians will discuss a different category of items to keep on hand, chat about their favorite pantry staples and provide revitalized recipe inspiration.

Giant’s dietitians are ready to help customers start the new year with a refreshed pantry in their pantry makeover virtual series every Thursday in Jan. at 12 p.m. Each week, the dietitians will discuss a different category of items to keep on hand, chat about their favorite pantry staples and even provide revitalized recipe inspiration.

Here’s the January schedule for the virtual series:

  • The Jan. 4 class is protein-packed with a recipe for tuna and white bean salad.
  • The Jan. 11 class focuses on pantry-friendly fruits and veggies, including a quick carrot cake oatmeal recipe.
  • The Jan. 18 class spotlights spices and a clean-out-the-pantry vegetarian chili recipe.
  • The Jan. 25 class features ways to use some of the forgotten grains in your pantry, including a recipe for Triscuit strawberry-balsamic delight.

[Read more: Giant's dietitians kick off virtual classes in December to build holiday boards]

By attending the virtual wellbeing classes and providing their Giant or Martin’s loyalty card number in January, customers will be automatically entered into a random drawing to win one of three virtual pantry makeovers conducted by a dietitian. Maximum value $100 each. Email or visit Customer Service at your local Giant or Martin’s for a copy of the official rules.

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In addition, customers can earn 50 CHOICE Points for each class attended (limit one account/card number for each class). Attendance to class is required to receive points. Points earned for all classes attended this month will be awarded between the first and seventh day of the following month. A complete listing of all of Giant’s virtual classes and ingredients needed for each class are available and

All classes are free to attend, but advanced registration is required.

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